Hosting family and friend gatherings should be the source of great memories, not great stress! Toss this snack mix together to keep the party going stress free!
1 package Bugles, original
1 package Bugles, nacho flavored
1 package Fareway Petite Pretzels
1 package miniature Club Crackers
1 package Wheat Thins
1 package Cheese Nips
1 package Parmesan fish-shaped crackers
1 cup peanuts
16 oz butter-flavored popcorn oil
2 envelope Ranch salad dressing mix
Total Time: 1 hour
Amount Per Serving: 1 Cup
Servings: 32
In a very large bowl, combine all crackers and peanuts.
In a small bowl, combine oil and Ranch salad dressing mix.
Pour over cracker mixture; toss to coat evenly.
Transfer to four large baking pans.
Bake at 250° for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.