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Meet your Fareway Dietitians

Whitney Hemmer, Registered Dietitian

Headshot of Whitney Packebush, Registered Dietitian.Whitney began her journey towards becoming a dietitian when she realized her love of cooking, health, and all things kitchen-y could come together as a career.

She attended Iowa State University (ISU) where she received her bachelor’s degree in dietetics and completed her dietetic internship. During her undergrad, Whitney found an appreciation for grocery shopping and recipe development, ultimately leading her to become the first corporate dietitian for Fareway Stores, Inc. in 2010.

As a corporate dietitian, Whitney is a health and wellness resource to all of Fareway’s 120+ Midwest-based stores and the customers it serves. She provides approachable recipes to fit healthy lifestyles through weekly news segments across the state of Iowa, local podcasts, CentsAble Health magazine, Fareway’s website, and various community events. Contact Whitney today!



Caitlyn Ferin, Registered Dietitian

Headshot of registered dietitian Caitlyn Ferin.

Caitlyn’s goal as a Fareway dietitian is to help families develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle by sharing creative and practical ways to incorporate nutritious foods into your day - without breaking the bank! 

Her passion for food and a healthy lifestyle led her into the field of dietetics at Iowa State University. Prior to joining Fareway she worked in infant, child and maternal nutrition at Mid Iowa Community Action and as a clinical dietitian for the Iowa Veterans Home and Marshalltown Medical and Surgical Center.

Caitlyn is a wonderful resource for all Fareway customers looking to improve their daily lives.  Find her tips and information here on the website, CentsAble Health magazine, through community based events and more. Contact Caitlyn today!

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