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It is that time of the year to bring out pumpkin everything! Pumpkin spice, pumpkin bars, pumpkin cookies, and more. But have you ever wondered about the nutrition behind the pumpkin? Continue reading for not only recipes, but all things on pumpkin nutrition! 


Pumpkin Nutrition: What You Should Know 

Pumpkin is a seasonal flavor that is perfect for baking! When it comes to pumpkin puree, there are some nutrition facts that are great to know: 

- Pumpkin is the only ingredient in pumpkin puree

- Per serving, there is only about 40 calories 

- Eating pumpkin allows you to get potassium for healthy blood pressure 

- Pumpkins may help with electrolyte balance 

- Eating pumpkin puree allows you to reach of 100% of your daily Vitamin A needed 

        - Vitamin A is really important for eye health, is a great antioxidant, and has benefits that help the immune system 

Pumpkin Recipes: Simple and Sweet 

Three Ingredient Pumpkin Spice Muffins

This three ingredient recipe is so simple and takes less than 30 minutes! All you need is spice cake mix, pumpkin puree, and eggs. 

Pumpkin Spice Creamer

This pumpkin spice creamer is not only super easy and takes five minutes, but it is sure to make your coffee and lattes taste just like fall. 

Four Ingredient Pumpkin Dip

Pumpkin dip is a great addition to your fall family gatherings, Halloween parties, and Thanksgivings. This is perfect to serve with graham crackers, fruit, or ginger snaps! 

Pumpkin Bread

Looking for something the whole family will love? This pumpkin bread recipe is a classic fall treat that is rich in flavor and easy to follow. 

Crustless Mini Pumpkin Pies

These mini pumpkin pies are the perfect way to add a sweet, little treat to your Thanksgiving and holiday spreads. 

October in the Kitchen with Fareway Dietitian, Whitney

This video showcases our Registered Dietitian, Whitney as she walks us through the nutrition found in pumpkins and some simple recipes! 


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