It's that time of year again: Spring Cleaning time! Sure you may spring clean your home, but when was the last time you cleaned out that cluttered pantry?
The first day of spring has arrived and over 77% of Americans take part in some kind of "spring cleaning".
Taking an inventory of your food is a great way to save some money and de-clutter your cupboards.
Try planning recipes around foods that you need to get rid - soups and casseroles make great meals with lots of miscellaneous ingredients.
While cleaning, make sure to look at expiration dates. Below are some guidelines for the shelf life of common foods:
- Canned foods: 1 year
- Pasta: 12 - 18 months
- Unopened flour: 1 year
- Opened flour: 6 months
- Condiments (salad dressings, ketchup, olives): 1 year
And always remember, when it doubt, throw it out!