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NEWS RELEASE (March 1, 2023) – Fareway Stores, Inc. and IAwrestle present the Dan Gable Ms. and Mr. Wrestler of the Year Awards in coordination with the Iowa Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association (IWCOA). Three finalists from each of the three state wrestling classes for the men and three women finalists attended an awards luncheon banquet today at the Fareway Conference Center in Boone.

Fans had the ability to vote once per day for their top wrestler in each category until February 6 for the women and February 20 for the men on Public votes were tallied, and the top voted wrestler received an extra vote towards the IWCOA committee vote. The following athletes were recognized as 2022-2023 recipients:

Ms. Wrestler:


Lilly Luft, Charles City

Molly Allen, Riverside Oakland (finalist)

Naomi Simon, Decorah (finalist)


Mr. Wrestler:


Class 1A:


Gable Porter, Underwood

Max Magayna, Columbus Catholic (finalist)

Garret Rinken, Nashua-Plainfield (finalist)


Class 2A:


Kale Petersen, Greene County

Nick Fox, Osage (finalist)

CJ Walrath, Notre Dame, West Burlington (finalist)


Class 3A:


Ben Kueter, Iowa City High

Gabe Arnold, Iowa City High (finalist)

Ryder Block, Waverly-Shell Rock (finalist)


The two runner-up student athletes in each class received finalist award plaques. A duplicate Wrestler of the Year trophy and duplicate Wrestler of the Year runner-up plaques will be provided to each high school where finalists attend, for permanent placement in the high school trophy case.

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