Also Known As:
Spencer Steak, Market Steak, Delmonico, Beauty Steak
Meat Experts Tip:
This generously marbled cut of meat is juicy with a rich flavor. Ask your meat expert for at least a 1" thick steak for medium to medium-rare doneness.
Preferred Cooking Method:
Grill, Broil, Skillet
Cooking Temps:
Medium Rare, 130°F to 135°F; Medium, 140°F to 145°F; Well Done, 160°F+
Nutritional Information
Per 3-ounce cooked serving: 165 calories; 6 g fat (2 g saturated fat; 3 g monounsaturated fat); 25 g protein; 0.5 mg vitamin B6; 1.4 mcg vitamin B12; 1.6 mg iron; 4.7 mg zinc